R.I.P. DEBO: South Los Angeles

RIP Debo and condolences to your guardian Big P.
(Debo was a service dog for a person with disabilities)
– from your friends in DDR

SSSUP, I’m was “Debo” and special.

I was born in mid fall of 2005. I had lots of brothers and sisters but they didn’t look like me – they were sooo gray compared to me.
I had a nice shiny silvery light bronze coat and light emerald green eyes. I later came to find out, that those aliens, The Humans, called my coat color Fawn. . . They said I was a Blue Fawn
As we started to get older, my brothers and sisters were being taken away by The Humans. . .what were these Humans doing with my bro’s and sis’s. . .having them for dinner, making wall hangings or rugs . . . then my day came on December 25th 2005

This tall lean dame reached down and grabbed me up. . . my feet weren’t on the ground . . . I was flying. . . then I heard her heart beat . . . it reminded me of my mom’s when I was just a little silver pee-fry, fighting and squirming to get to momma – but this wasn’t like my momma at all – this was a hot-momma . . . she was my Queen . . . I was in luv . . . I fell sound asleep only to wake in this place that had all kinds of rooms that I hadn’t ever seen before. . . I was alone . . . where was my family . . . I kinda started to dig this place.

It wasn’t too long after landing in my new pad, that I noticed this other Human dude started to muscle in on me and my dame, whatev, I’ll deal with that Human later; I’ll pee in his shoes, leave runny poos, wipe my butt and leave butt juices on his cloths when he leaves them on the floor . . . that’ll teach him. Humans have just got to learn their limitation – She was my Dame, my woman, my Queen. She gave me a nice soft warm bed; I didn’t have to fight for food; I get picked up, held, get lots of loves, play time without my brothers and sisters hoggin’ the action. Yeap, I was growing up into a good life . . . I hope my brothers and sisters have the same good life I was having.

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