Most of our loyal PITStop readers already know about our free pit bull training class, lead by Dog Man and Debbie, every Sunday at the Coliseum in Los Angeles but in case you were not aware, check out the video, created by Jeff Fleiss, our class videographer. Jeff compiled this video over the course of a couple months of Sunday classes.

If you own a pit bull and you need some help getting your dog social, please get in touch with me (lori@modernica.net). Our goal is to pass 100 pit bulls through our Canine Good Citizenship Certificate (CGC) program this year. On Sunday April 11th, we will be testing again. Our Sunday class helps prepare the dogs to pass the test. To learn more about CGC and to find out if you pit bull might pass, check out this LINK.

Be part of the solution, keep your pit bull social
with people and animals.
The dogs are counting on all of us!

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