Working Together! DDR, West LA Shelter, and Fate!

This past weekend a great dog named Pink was adopted from the shelter and it all happened because Lori was open and kind enough to refer one of her adopters to the West LA Shelter!

What happened was that someone submitted an application for Edwina, one of Downtown Dog Rescue’s great dogs. An appointment was scheduled for them to meet her on Saturday and for whatever reason the stars did not align and the meeting never took place. I was at the shelter on Saturday and posted a picture on Facebook of a cute pit bull (Pink) in a Halloween costume.

Lori saw the picture and immediately thought that Pink could be good fit for Ann based on her application. She put Ann in touch with me and we arranged for her to come meet Pink on Sunday. The stars WERE aligned on Sunday and Ann adopted Pink that same day!

Pink, now named FATE, is living the good life with her new mom Ann!

I wanted to write about this great adoption because it’s a wonderful example of how we can all help save lives by working together! Lori has developed relationships with volunteers at various city shelters. Because of this relationship, she trusted my judgment on a dog and was able to send an adopter to the shelter to save the life of a dog that would otherwise be in jeopardy of being euthanized. In addition to working with the city shelter, Lori also works closely with other rescue groups, and if an application comes in that doesn’t fit any of her current available dogs she might refer that person to another rescue group. It can be a win-win situation for everyone; the potential adopter doesn’t feel like they have to “start over” just because the one dog they applied for isn’t right, the rescue group gets to strengthen their reputation, and of course, as in Fate’s case, and animal gets a second chance at a new life!

So, if you volunteer for your local shelter, try to develop relationships with rescue groups in your community…and vice versa. We all want to achieve the same goal….save more lives! The more we all work together as a team, the easier we can reach this goal! Thank you Lori and Ann!
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