RAINY’S PUPS update from Best Friends PUPPY CENTER

RAINY’S PUPPIES ARE GROWING! Follow their journey!

Puppy Adventures!

March 31, 2010, 4:20PM MT
By David Dickson
An extremely cute litter of puppies delights
caregivers and everyone else!

Dynamite, as the saying goes, comes in small packages. So what happens if you have nine such small packages bouncing around a single room? Well … you’d better be wearing your hard hat! Or, at the very least, some really thick pants.

Nine impossibly cute puppies came to Best Friends not long ago from a rescuer in California. Best Friends’ puppy mom Analia Gutierrez sums it up best. “They’re crazy!” In other words, they’re the kind of dogs who will do a back flip for joy every time somebody stops in for a visit. Or anytime somebody pulls out a treat …or hands them a toy, or … okay, so just about anything will get their dials up to ten. (At least they’re easy to please.)

Even so, all that potent puppy energy can be hard on the wardrobe. Analia will go in to work or play with the puppies and, afterward, come out with holes in her clothes. Nothing like death by kisses, right? They are so affectionate you can’t help but fall in love on sight, even if you do have to replace your jeans now and again. And their names couldn’t be more fitting. Known collectively as “the adventure pups,” the lineup is as follows: Quest, Trek, Cruise, Voyager, Odyssey, Trip, Journey, Adventure, and Safari. Rest assured this group won’t be spending too many lazy afternoons watching television reruns. They want to see the world! And see it they will.

All nine puppies will soon be ready to join the puppy socialization class at the new puppy care center. For those unfamiliar with the puppy class, it has nothing to do with learning tricks and everything to do with playing and having a great time together. When it comes to a school where having fun is the name of the game, there will be nothing short of summa cum laude grads from this gang. Welcome!

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