Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Yesterday, Take Me Home and its supporters were surprised when the District Attorney’s office dropped the case against Angel’s alleged abuser and the case was dismissed due to lack of evidence collected by Los Angeles County Animal Control. Bottom line, we feel the Los Angeles County Animal Control Officer assigned to the case did a less than adequate job and did not properly document Angel’s case; beginning with his first visit to the defendant’s home on July 3, 2009, and ending with the shelter who did not properly document her intake on August 20, 2009.
OUR PLAN AHEAD: Take Me Home is currently meeting with advisors to seek advice on how to proceed from here and make needed change within the system for the other Angels out there. We will continue to pursue justice for all animals. We will update all of you with our course of action in Angel’s case and we welcome your involvement in seeking justice and change.
“Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. Above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.”
Holocaust Museum, Washington, DC.
We would like to thank everyone for your continued support!
Please take a moment to visit the TAKE ME HOME RESCUE website to discover many ways you can support our work to rescue and change lives of all animals.