About Lori Weise

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So far Lori Weise has created 27 blog entries.

2021 Year End Service Report

2021 Service Report
Pet Support Space – South Los Angeles
SCVMA Community Clinics
Pet Resource Center – Skid Row

Total number of pets served = 7035
Dogs – 64% 4518 Cats – 36% 2511 Reptiles – 0% 6

Shelter Redemptions = 63 pets – 1% of all cases
Humane Euthanasia services = 56 pets – 1% of all cases
Veterinary Expenses = 3469 pets – 49% of all cases
Pet Deposits / ESA = 25 people – 0% of all cases
Food & Supplies = 1250 pets – 18% of all cases
Spay & Neuter surgeries = 2171 pets – 31% of all cases

Pet Support Space  Office open Monday – Saturday 10am to 2pm – 7 days a week phone / text/ email
34% required assistance with spay/neuter
28% veterinary care
12% clients who identified as homeless
6% clients working with a social worker or case manager
Age range of clients
60% 30-49 years old 20% 50-69 years old 13% 18-29 years old
Employment status
27% working full time 33% part time 38% unemployed 2% disabled
58% receiving government assistance
Time living with their pet
61% 1-10 years 23% 1-11 months 14% more than 10 years
29% pet had never received veterinary care
71% acquired the pet from family or friends 17% Found as a stray
6% shelter adoption 3% had a litter in their home.

Community Wellness SCVMA Clinics Drive thru clinic once a month – second Sunday of each month
2,498 pets (1,1670 dogs and 828 cats)

Pet Resource Center Skid Row Services offered at the corner of Central Ave and Industrial Ave Once a month 10am-1pm
367 clients active on a monthly basis for more than six months
(249 dogs and 118 cats)
Total number of clients enrolled in PRC = 2783 people living in transitional or supportive housing or experiencing homelessness
54% required assistance with spay/neuter
15% required assistance for vaccinations 13% monthly food program 12% assistance for major veterinary care – 6% licensing/fees paid/deposits paid
32% reported being homeless
34% reported working with a social worker or case manager
Age of clients served
41% 50-69 years old 40% 30-49 years old 15% 18-29 years old
Employment status
70% unemployed 14% part-time employed 10% disabled
61% were receiving government assistance
Time living with their pet
42% lived with pet 1-10 years + 35% 1-11 months 19% less than one month
41% pet had never received veterinary care
60% acquired the pet from family or friends 19% Found as a stray 11% shelter

Total number of program staff
full time paid – 1 part time paid – 3 unpaid full time – 1

Total Budget for all programs : $295,163 (average cost per pet $41.95)

Total number of pets served since program began
April 2013 – December 2021 =
22, 415 pets

October Pet Resource Center – Skid Row Community

This month, we were back on the corner of Central Ave and Industrial Street, with our counselors and the Los Angeles County Veterinarian team, offering supplies and services to pets who live in the Skid Row community. A total of 75 pets received services (40 dogs + 35 cats) The line starts to form at 9:00 am, when clients and volunteers unload the supplies and set up our tables, for our official start time of 10:00 am. Pet owners arrive throughout the morning, receiving monthly food supplies, veterinary vouchers, flea and tick prevention, and an opportunity to check in with our counselors.

Checking in means more than “getting free stuff”, all of our counselors are there to support the pet owners just as much as their pets. This involves doing more listening than talking. Sometimes, the topic has nothing whatsoever to do with pets. Some people drop in because they are feeling sad, depressed, may have lost a loved one, whether two legged or four legged, and need a compassionate person to “be there for them”.

All of the services that we offer, we offer in a manner of trauma informed care. Always remembering that these three factors impact our clients’ lives, and lead to stress; uncertainty, lack of information, and a loss of control. By explaining options, offering choices, taking time to explain the information helps our clients feel more in control of their pets’ lives and in turn their own lives. In addition to promoting healthy pets, the benefits of spay and neuter, our goal is to always help our clients see that they have options, they have our ongoing support because we all need help sometimes.

The Universe Has A Plan


I decided to write this blog post in order to share a particularly cool story, but also to remind me that when I get out of my own way and allow the Universe to put a plan into motion, things work out really great!

Trusting in a Higher Power, God, The Universe is something that is fairly new to me.  For many years, I guess you could say that I was faking it – meaning, I was saying that I trusted a power greater than myself, but I really didn’t.  I was that person who always had to feel like she was in control, even when life seemed out of control.  I was always that person who had a back-up plan for her back-up plan.

Fast forward to about a month ago:  lying in bed surrounded by dogs, reading emails on my iPhone, one message catches my attention.  It began with a plea for help, but didn’t stop there.  In great detail, she was honest about her living situation, her love for her dogs, and what she was willing to do to get help.  The part that really irked me was her detailed description of the type of food she was looking for in a donation. She only would accept vegan dog food. Reading this, my initial thought was, “Well, if I couldn’t afford to feed my dogs regularly, would I really be concerned about the dog food being vegan?” No, no I would not.

The email went on for a couple of paragraphs, she seemed like a nice lady but she was out of our service area and she seemed too organized and thoughtful.  Someone would help her because she was resourceful – clearly not a DDR type of client.  I thanked her for her message, explained that “we never get vegan dog food”, and wished her well.

The very next day, I received an email from Diana at PETA, who was writing because she had a big donation of vegan dog food to share with DDR if we needed it.  I was stunned! Yes, of course we will take it, I replied.  We met up later in the week and unloaded cases of vegan dog food kibble.  I had to acknowledge this was more than a coincidence.  I emailed the vegan dog food lady, so excited to let her know I had food for her dogs.  I  never got an email back.

About a week later, I received a text from her.  It went something like this:  Sorry for the late reply. It is difficult for me to read my emails because I am not living in a permanent home.  This pet owner had been living in her car with her three dogs, using the Safe Parking program until she was recently accepted into the Project Room Key program.  Her situation of  homelessness was a result of being a domestic violence survivor who lost it all when she left her abusive situation.  That is about all that […]

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